Why Do You Want What You Want?

Why Do You Want What You Want?

Marni Spencer-Devlin

What if it's not just flights of fancy? What if there's a very important reason you want what you want?

Are You Prepared For The Worst?

Are You Prepared For The Worst?

Marni Spencer-Devlin

I recently had a bit of a scary diagnosis that requires emergency surgery. Nonetheless, I expect smooth sailing and a perfect outcome, but sometimes well-meaning people around me don’t make this outlook so easy to maintain.

Don't Let The Past Decide Your Future

Don't Let The Past Decide Your Future

Marni Spencer-Devlin

Your beliefs represent the outer limits of what you are able to experience, both good and bad, so it's definitely worth taking a hard look.

Should You Be More Realistic?

Should You Be More Realistic?

Marni Spencer-Devlin

Maybe you’re just kidding yourself, thinking that life can get better. Let’s face it; people don’t really change. Maybe you’d be better off thinking a little more within the realm of possibility for yourself. At least, that’s what my mother would have said.