A Rainy Day

Are You Prepared For The Worst?

March 05, 20252 min read

You’re in Charge: Choosing Belief Over Fear

I recently received a scary diagnosis requiring emergency surgery. Thankfully, I have excellent care and the unwavering support of my love, friends, and family. I fully expect a perfect outcome. However, well-meaning people often project their fears onto me, making it harder to maintain this positive outlook.

Humanity’s Immaturity

Despite our technological advancements, humanity is still in its infancy when it comes to understanding reality. Science has shown that everything is energy, yet most people still perceive the world as solid matter. Thought itself is energy—the seed that shapes our experiences.

Fear & Superstition

When faced with uncertainty, we instinctively revert to primitive fear. We claim to “hope for the best but prepare for the worst,” yet this is a contradiction. Our brains focus on what we expect, and by fixating on worst-case scenarios, we unknowingly invite them into reality. As I explain in The List Method, your focus determines your experience. You cannot plant fear and expect to harvest joy.

The Harm of Fear

Why do we insist on preparing for the worst? Does anticipating hardship make it any easier to bear? If anything, fear debilitates us. It weakens the immune system, heightens pain sensitivity, and disrupts the body’s natural healing abilities. Survival mode is useful in immediate danger, but when unnecessary, it hinders recovery.

Science, particularly quantum physics, affirms that all possible outcomes exist until one is decided. This means we are not at the mercy of fate but have immense power over our experiences—our focus determines our reality.

The Power of Choice

Regardless of circumstances, no one can dictate your thoughts. You alone decide what you believe, expect, and focus on. Fear is natural, but you don’t have to let it control you. Acknowledge it, then redirect your attention to what you know to be true: the best outcome is possible, and it’s yours to claim.

Common sense and science both affirm that relaxation aids healing. And if science isn’t convincing, faith serves the same function—prayer aligns your energy with your desired outcome. God does not require repeated pleas; prayer is for you, to help you feel what you want to experience.

Walt Disney once said, “Dreams come true if you believe.” He wasn’t just being whimsical—he was applying a universal law. So stop hoping for the best and start knowing it exists. Your belief is your power. Use it wisely.

Marni Spencer-Devlin

Marni Spencer-Devlin is a transformational author, coach and artist

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